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Monday 7 December 2009

How to Quit Smoking without the Weight Gain

If you are smoking and want to make a healthy lifestyle you could start by deciding for yourself to strip off the habit from your system. But together with aiming to strip off the habit is weight gain because you will increase your appetite when you quit smoking.
How can you fight this problem? Cigarettes stimulates metabolism according to smoking cessation therapist, 250 calories in the body get burned when you consumed a pack of cigarette a day. When you quit, the body metabolism slows down resulting for those calories to slowly burn and giving you extra weight. Some people gain 2 pounds once they quit for 2 weeks and with this occurrence they tend to resume smoking to prevent weight gain so quitting will then be unsuccessful. Sticking to the decision of quitting will not be that much of a burden because eventually the metabolism will normalize.
Typically, smokers only gain 5-7 pounds throughout the process of quitting. And when you think about the advantages of having a healthy and smoke free living, you will feel great inside and out and not minding those gained extra pounds.
Your vital organs like the lungs, heart and arteries will be free of the toxins and will start to regenerate new cells after being intoxicated with nicotine.
Gradually after quitting you will notice changes in your physical appearance. Your skin is free from stress and will appeal to be fairer and smoother, those yellow stains on your fingers and fingernails will disappear, you won’t have bad breath anymore, and your teeth will be free from stains and you will have healthier gums too.
These are the good fallback of quitting. To lessen the cravings and weight gain, do drinks lots of water ideally 8oz glasses a day to keep you hydrated and to flush out toxins.
Substitute healthy food with cigarette but not use junk foods because it won’t help you in becoming healthy. Don’t go for sugar rich and unhealthy foods. Do also have exercises so to keep you busy and increase metabolism. Join group therapy this will help you be encourage on the continuous quitting agenda, use also nicotine replacements. You have to have a focused mind to be able to fight challenging moments that will tempt you to go back to smoking.

For more information visit:

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